Shared by: Oliver

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Health and Wealth. These are the two major problems with the world today, and they go together.
At CTFO, we believe we have the solution to both.

CBD has given us a sense of ease for leaving our fur babies at home. CBD for pets, because they have feelings too!

- Lesly Preiser

I can't live without my CTFO and now I give it out as gifts to share with others.

- Bella Strong

I grew my hair, I lost some weight and I made a little bit of money,

- Nicole Rene-Robinson

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You are in business with aspiring like-minded people like yourself who want to make a difference and make money with integrity.

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A Projected $20+ Billion Industry

With hemp-derived CBD gaining in popularity – in line with health, wellness, and anti-pharma trends – and product availability and variety increasing, the market is on track to grow to $23.7 billion through 2023.

- The Brightfield Group
2019 CBD Market Report

Affecting industries as diverse as cosmetics, food and beverage and pharmaceuticals, the exploding CBD (cannabidiol) market has generated considerable headlines.

- Forbes

The CBD market is estimated to grow by 107% through 2023 in America.

- The Brightfield Group
2019 CBD Market Report

This is definitely the craziest market I’ve ever covered.

- Bethany Gomez
Brightfield Managing Director

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